get_children() returns ALL attachments instead only those attached to ‘post_parent’

hat I do: in my template that I use to display posts within the standard loop, I make a call to above function: fs_gallery_featured_thumbs( $post->ID ) (originally I used the_ID() instead of $post->ID which gave me trouble. I guess bescause the_ID() actually echoes the ID, rihgt?). Exactly. The problem isn’t in your function itself, but … Read more

get_page_children() return only titles

You can just return the IDs, then get each title by the respective ID. And to restrict the query to four posts only, you can use posts_per_page. I modified and optimized your above code a bit, so here it is: <h3>Recent Projects</h3> <ul class=”footer-list”><?php $projects_page = get_page_by_title(‘Projects’); $args = array( ‘post_type’ => ‘page’, ‘post_parent’ => … Read more