Public posts – preventing duplicate form submissions

Don’t know if it’s best practice but i had a similar issue and I ended up checking by custom sql query to check if the title already exists in my post type and filtered duplicate posts and i hooked that to wp_insert_post_data filter hook. add_filter(‘wp_insert_post_data’,’prevente_duplicates’); function prevente_duplicates($data,$postarr){ $count = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare(“SELECT count(id) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type=”MY_POST_TYPE_NAME” … Read more

Nonce keeps failing

Why are you using the edit.php page for this export link? The edit.php code appears to be checking on the “bulk-posts” nonce, which is probably where your failure is, since you’re not using that nonce. You should probably be using post.php instead, or a more general hook with your action.

Several nonces?

No, there isn’t any point in that. All docs relating to metaboxes are probably inspired from the wrong code at the codex which use a nonce. The problem which nonces in metabox inadvertently solve is avoiding data corruption when the quick edit feature of the posts list page is used (or thinking about it any … Read more

Stop WordPress nonces expiring

A nonce is a “number used once” to help protect URLs and forms from certain types of misuse, malicious or otherwise. WordPress nonces aren’t numbers, but are a hash made up of numbers and letters. Nor are they used only once, but have a limited “lifetime” after which they expire. During that time period the … Read more

phpcs error in WordPress

Yes it is correct. Escaping should be done based on context, and since wp_nonce_url() is used in an hrefas proper url, you should use esc_url.

Verify a nonce in Form submission

Problem is, you are submitting data as POST data, but verifying nonce from GET data. Here is how you can create a nonce field in a form easily: wp_nonce_field( ‘add_new_addres’ ); Actually, I personally don’t use more than 1 parameter when calling the wp_nonce_field function. Then when verify use the following code: if ( ! … Read more

WordPress JSON API nonces and Vue development server

For making authenticated API requests from a third party app, you’ll need to install a plugin to give you different methods of authentication. The most convenient but less secure is Basic Authentication:, it’s appropriate for a local development environment. This allows you to make authenticated requests by passing username and password in the body … Read more

wp_verify_nonce return false despite correct parameter passed

the wp_verify_nonce() keep returning false If you were logged-in to your (WordPress) site when you used the form, then the above is normal. Here’s why so: Your form submits to a custom REST API endpoint (at /wp-json/ilms_plugin/new_membership) and the default authentication method used by the REST API is cookie-based, i.e. it checks if a nonce … Read more