How to create a cumulative posts and members count

Here is a very crude script I’ve knocked up to get what you are after: <?php require(‘wp-blog-header.php’); $posts = get_posts(‘numberposts=-1&order=ASC’); $posts_times = array(); foreach ($posts as $post) { $post_time = strtotime($post->post_date); $offset = $post_time % (60*60*24); $post_time -= $offset; $posts_times[$post_time]++; } $keys = array_keys($posts_times); $running_count = 0; $end_data = array(); for($i = $keys[0]; $i <= … Read more

Database size Widget

Add the following code to your widget code: function fileSizeInfo($filesize) { $bytes = array(‘KB’, ‘KB’, ‘MB’, ‘GB’, ‘TB’); if ($filesize < 1024) $filesize = 1; for ($i = 0; $filesize > 1024; $i++) $filesize /= 1024; $dbSizeInfo[‘size’] = round($filesize, 3); $dbSizeInfo[‘type’] = $bytes[$i]; return $dbSizeInfo; } function databaseSize() { global $wpdb; $dbsize = 0; $rows … Read more

Admin bar stats widget plugin image broken

While this could be caused by a variety of different issues, here are some general steps to take to try and troubleshoot it. Completely delete the plugin (deactivate and then delete files) and then re-install it. Simple, I know, but often works wonders. Try uploading the plugin files manually as well as installing from within … Read more

What is the Timeline for the Active Version Pie Chart in the Repository?

The active version pie chart is made up of completely nonsense data that isn’t being updated properly at present. What it displays has absolutely no bearing to real-world data. It’s on my list of things-to-fix, eventually. Once our stats gathering system is more reliable, I’ll do so. However, at present, it is total nonsense. Ignore … Read more