How to change window ratio in teachpress “tplist”
You will have to create a custom template for displaying the publication. Follow the documentation on how to do this.
You will have to create a custom template for displaying the publication. Follow the documentation on how to do this.
I think this is what you are trying to accomplish? $html .=”<a id=’test’ rel=”nofollow” href=”””. echo get_the_title( $post_id ) .” target=”_blank”>”;
You’re overcomplicating it a bit. ?um_action=edit is a query string, and its values are available in the $_GET superglobal. To check if it exists, and has a specific value, you just need to do this: function leweb_add_body_class_um_edit_profile( $classes ) { if ( isset( $_GET[‘um_action’] ) && ‘edit’ === $_GET[‘um_action’] ) { $classes[] = ‘leweb-um-profile-edit’; } … Read more
Hi for me fast solution is to use custom query for eg. $sql=”SELECT `wp_users`.`ID` , `wp_users`.`user_login` , `wp_users`.`user_pass` , `wp_users`.`user_nicename` , `wp_users`.`user_email` , `wp_users`.`user_url` , `wp_users`.`user_registered` , `wp_users`.`user_activation_key` , `wp_users`.`user_status` , `wp_users`.`display_name` , `wp_posts`.`post_date` FROM `wp_users` LEFT JOIN `wp_posts` ON (`wp_users`.`ID` = `wp_posts`.`post_author`) GROUP BY `wp_users`.`ID` ORDER BY `wp_posts`.`post_date` DESC;”; global $wpdb; $results=$wpdb->get_results($sql); foreach($results as … Read more
This result is expected since wp_get_remote() doesn’t include a Javascript engine. It should give you the same result as the View Source option in your browser and fetch the plain HTML document. It looks like the page your are trying to fetch, is loading a Javascript file, in the header tag, to render the content: … Read more