wp_pagenavi function parameters [closed]

Why do you dont use the default functions from WP. As example the follow class, there you can use. class fb_pagination_example { public function content_nav( $nav_id, $pag_bar = TRUE ) { if ( $GLOBALS[‘wp_query’] -> max_num_pages > 1 ) : ?> <nav id=”<?php echo $nav_id; ?>”> <h1 class=”assistive-text”><?php _e( ‘Post navigation’, WP_BASIS_TXTD ); ?></h1> <?php … Read more

WPML : how to determine manually the language in which a given page is displayed

WPML defines constants that you can use go get the current language: ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE – current language code (eg: en,fr,sp). ICL_LANGUAGE_NAME_EN – Name of the current language in English (eg: English, French. Spanish). ICL_LANGUAGE_NAME – Name of current language, in the current language (eg: English, Français, Español).