React statics with ES6 classes

statics only works with React.createClass. Simply declare the method as a static class method: Regarding You are literally creating a statics property on the React object. That property does not magically extend your component.

Show or hide element in React

React circa 2020 In the onClick callback, call the state hook’s setter function to update the state and re-render:  Run code snippetExpand snippet JSFiddle React circa 2014 The key is to update the state of the component in the click handler using setState. When the state changes get applied, the render method gets called again with the new state:

ReactJs CreateClass is not a function

Per the documents, you need to get the npm create react class package. From the command line of your project’s file path, you need to do npm install create-react-class –save, and then modify the code like this: You also need React DOM to render the components like this:

React Props is Not Defined

you’re miss-reading this error. props is not undefined, what is calling props is undefined, which is the this keyword. you can manually set the context of the map function by passing in a second parameter, this) or bind it inline

react-router vs react-router-dom, when to use one or the other?

react-router contains all the common components between react-router-dom and react-router-native. When should you use one over the other? If you’re on the web then react-router-dom should have everything you need as it also exports the common components you’ll need. If you’re using React Native, react-router-native should have everything you need for the same reason. So … Read more
