How to delete blog word from wordpress url?
How to delete blog word from wordpress url?
How to delete blog word from wordpress url?
WordPress doesn’t do this on its own. It must be a plugin or a theme. The first step in trying to diagnose this would be to turn off all plugins and switch to a default theme, then start turning plugins back on, one by one, till you find the culprit. If none of your plugins … Read more
Unable to Update Post when Changing Site URL
Could you try using admin_url instead of site_url you can call it the same way, but as you are trying to fetch some admin page I think that might be a better idea. $search_url = admin_url( ‘/admin.php?page=my-plugin&action=search&searchstringSO=’ . $_REQUEST[“sigsearch”] ); Note that I removed the wp-admin prefix from the path.
Two ways to fix this: Change your local directory of your root install to “NA-239-Pti-Korangi”, or Poke into your database and update siteurl in the <prefix>_options table
After changing siteurl, Go to admin panel and update permalink structure once and check.It will start working with new folder name. Hope it helps
While www and non-www versions of site are considered kind of same thing from user perspective, technically they are two completely different domains, possibly hosting completely different sites on different servers. Since cookies are domain-specific WP treats them accordingly. It’s not impossible to rework this, since cookie-related functions seem to mostly be pluggable, but really … Read more
WordPress will always redirect to the canonical URL of the content if you try to access a page not with its canonical url. If you installed wordpress without using a www then wordpress will assume that the root url for the install is without www. Or in other words, wordpress is not actively removing www, … Read more
Dynamically update Site/Wordpress Address
Fixed it. Once i enabled debug I found out the problem was infact that the function.php was in wp-include aswell as wp-admin.