Hide specific category tag on single post page

For specifically post categories, you can use get_the_categories filter hook to remove certain found category (term). function filter_get_the_category( $categories, $post_id ) { // loop post categories foreach ($categories as $index => $category) { // check for certain category, you could also check for $term->slug or $term->term_id if ( ‘Featured’ === $category->name ) { // remove … Read more

apache2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

By default Ubuntu doesn’t specify a ServerName in the Apache configuration, because it doesn’t know what the name of your server is. It tries a reverse lookup on your IP address, which returns nothing, so it just has to use the IP address as the ServerName. To fix it, either add a ServerName directive outside … Read more

Private IP address in public DNS

Some people will say no public DNS records should ever disclose private IP addresses….with the thinking being that you are giving potential attackers a leg up on some information that might be required to exploit private systems. Personally, I think that obfuscation is a poor form of security, especially when we are talking about IP … Read more