Is it safe to upgrade WordPress 4.9.23 to 6.2.2 and WPBakery 5.5.5 to 6.13.0?
Is it safe to upgrade WordPress 4.9.23 to 6.2.2 and WPBakery 5.5.5 to 6.13.0?
Is it safe to upgrade WordPress 4.9.23 to 6.2.2 and WPBakery 5.5.5 to 6.13.0?
If you can get an older version to work with the database (set up the config file to point to your local version of the DB), then you can try exporting it (via Export tool), and importing into another instance of the latest WP install (install a base site with a new DB). If only … Read more
Back up all your files and database And then install wp3.5 and activate each plugin one by one and see whether they are compaitable or not OR you can install a wp3.5 in any other subdomain( and then activate all those plugins and see if they are compaitable or not
In a nutshell that should be considerably straightforward, WP just couldn’t update itself in versions that far back. Codex has detailed instructions for upgrading from older versions, see Upgrading WordPress Extended. However overall it’s usual for manual update – backup, replace core files, go through upgrade dialogs.
You’re confusing the self-hosted WordPress software (that Bluehost is hosting for you) and the service. They’re not the same thing. You can read about the differences here:
Disable your plugins via FTP, by renaming the plugins folder. I found MANY plugins cause a “white page” issue. Need to wait for upgraded plugins or WP fix.
You are facing the issue due to the different database versions. Please, follow this steps to fix the issue: Head to /wp-include/ folder. Open the version.php file. Find the value for $wp_db_version. Open your database. Find wp_options. Use the following line to identify the value of db_version: SELECT option_value FROM yourdatabase.wp_options WHERE option_name=”db_version”; The values … Read more
I have had the same issue and it is do to how apache and wordpress communicate. It has to have both owner and group permission to install from backend. The only really way to get around this is to see if your host has a server setup that way or you get your own server … Read more
If you’re making a radical change in a framework style theme, I would most definitely fork it into a new & separate version. Particularly if it’s going to have a potentially adverse affect on a lot of existing child themes. I’m sure I could come up with a creative way to warn your users of … Read more
Upgrading WP Version + Keeping Customized Core Code?