WP Cron is not running
WP Cron is not running
WP Cron is not running
WP-Cron missing tasks after moving to server job
You just need to hook your function to the hook you named in the second parameter of wp_schedule_single_event function. See the following example: add_action(‘woo_kala_order_note_added’,’woo_kala_order_note’, 10, 2); function woo_kala_order_note( $comment_id, $kala_order_id ){ // do whatever your logic needs. }
How to find code responsible for warnings from wp_cron runs?
Or, you could use WP-CLI which was developed for scenarios like these. After a short installation like this $ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar $ chmod +x wp-cli.phar $ sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp You can run your scheduled tasks like so $ wp cron event run –due-now –path=/var/www/mywebsite.com/ or via crontab (every 5mins) */5 * * * … Read more
There is no downside for running WP CRON using the server’s cron jobs. In fact this is the recommended practice. According to Official WordPress Plugin Development Document: WP-Cron does not run continuously, which can be an issue if there are critical tasks that must run on time. There is an easy solution for this. Simply … Read more
I haven’t tested this, but if you don’t want to use WP-CLI and ONLY want to use crontab tasks, you would have to add new crontab job for each subsite, like: curl -s https://example.com/[directory]/wp-cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1 Ref: https://vpsfix.com/7456/setup-proper-cron-jobs-wordpress-multisite-network/ You said your crons are not working for subfolders, but you don’t provide any error messages … Read more
I was hoping that I’d get more community feedback, but overall based on my research, the best option was to create a separate image of my application using the same code based, specifically tailored to run wp-cli, using the built-in crond service to ensure that the crons were running according to a proper cron schedule. … Read more
Custom set interval is not working
WP Cron, how to speed it up