How to see the scripts used by a page in chrome inspector
Why can’t you check loaded scripts in source code? All the scripts will be listed there, unless you minified them.
Why can’t you check loaded scripts in source code? All the scripts will be listed there, unless you minified them.
Your code seems correct, but the problem might lie somewhere else. You need to make sure that the path to your JS file is correct and the function pdocrud_admin_enqueue_scripts() is being called correctly. Also, make sure your constructor is being called in the context of a WordPress action that happens after plugins are loaded. Here’s … Read more
Add this to your URL when calling the google API: &loading=async
The following functions print enqueued assets: wp_print_head_scripts() wp_print_styles() print_late_styles() print_footer_scripts() These functions are called on the wp_head and wp_footer actions. If your header and footer are not using the appropriate functions or actions, then the enqueued assets will not be printed.
Javascript isn’t loading when I use wp_enqueue_script, but CSS is when I use wp_enqueue_style
You can do it by checking current post_type. For woocommerce order page, post type is shop_order. So try to change your code as follows. function selectively_enqueue_admin_script_js_for_edit_address($hook) { global $post; if ($post->post_type === ‘shop_order’) { if ($hook === ‘post.php’ || $hook === ‘post-new.php’) { wp_enqueue_script(‘artio-wc-admin-order-page-mod’, ‘/wp-content/plugins/custom_wc_mods/order_page/paste_payment_instructions_and_prompts_into_shipping_address_form_v2.js’, array(), date(“h:i:s”)); /* */ /* During development, you could … Read more
I’d create a function and then use the wp_enqueue_scripts action to add your script to the list; function load_more_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( ‘tsw-tools-js’, // unique handle name ‘/wp-content/plugins/dl-grid-addons/includes/wp-bakery/tsw/tsw-tools/assets/js/tsw-tools.js’ // path relative to WordPress root directory ); } add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘load_more_scripts’); More information can be found here:
Maybe this helps you out? Please make a backup from functions.php and add following function. /** * Add .js script if “Enable threaded comments” is activated in Admin * Codex: {@link} */ function wpse218049_enqueue_comments_reply() { if( is_singular() && comments_open() && ( get_option( ‘thread_comments’ ) == 1) ) { // Load comment-reply.js (into footer) wp_enqueue_script( … Read more
Dequeue/deregister scripts for everybody but the administrator
Should I use wp_register_style(), wp_enqueue_style, or both?