Assistance with wp_title function

Basically, if I understand your question properly, you will want to look for another file named “header.php” (or “page-{something}-header.php” for a special header that only applies to a specific page type), which represents what is output by wp-head() (shown in your code). If you open header.php, you should find something like the following: <head> <title> … Read more

Display last updated in

2 ways to do this. Method 1. Modifies the title output everywhere. In your theme’s functions.php file, put the following code: function cc_month_in_title($title, $id) { $month = get_the_modified_date(‘ F, Y’, $id); $title = $title.$month; return $title; } add_filter(‘the_title’,’cc_month_in_title’, 10, 2); Method 2. Modifies the title output only in the specific template. In this case, open … Read more

Wrap the 2 firsts words of title with a

You can do that like this: function add_label_to_post_title( $title=”” ) { global $post; if( ‘post’ == $post->post_type && trim( $title ) != “” ){ $title_words = explode( ” “, $title ); $word_count = count( $title_words ); //Sets how many words should be wrapped $words_to_wrap = 2; $last_word_index = $word_count > $words_to_wrap ? $words_to_wrap – 1 … Read more