Trying to load JavaScript only on pages within a PODS category/ custom post type

Shouldn’t is_singular() work:

Returns true if the post_type is “foo”.

if ( is_singular( 'foo' ) ) {

Another option would be get_post_type():

Retrieves the post type of the current post or of a given post.

if ( 'foo' == get_post_type() ) {

In the end it is all a matter of how you structured your site, which is not nearly clear enough. So you might be better off to distinguish via category, taxonomy related conditional tags. E.g. for categories, maybe like this exmaple from the codex:

if ( is_category( 5 ) || cat_is_ancestor_of( 5, get_query_var( 'cat' ) ) ) {

Returns true when the category of posts being displayed is either term_id 5, or an ancestor of term_id 5 (subcategory, sub-subcategory…).

If you’re actually trying to target sub-pages of a specific parent page, get_ancestors() might be an option. Exemplary:

if ( in_array( 123, get_ancestors( get_the_ID(), 'custom-post-type' ) ) {

This should get you a headstart, and give Codex: Conditional Tags another good read. By the way, I’m answering on the assumption that PODS uses the WordPress API to achieve its functionality.