How to use orderby on meta_value when using Pods custom database table storage

As with any custom tables in your database, you can override the SQL that WP_Query ends up using. For this use case, I’d suggest not using WP_Query’s arguments and building your own function to do this instead as it could simplify the logic and complexity. <?php add_filter( ‘posts_clauses’, ‘my_custom_wp_query_posts_clauses’, 10, 2 ); /** * Custom … Read more

Can’t create new Pods pages

I found the problem. There was a line of code that was deleting all posts as soon they were created. It may seems slly but it was wanted, I’m building a really custom app based on wordpress… Simply I forgot that this would cancel many other things that pods saves as post, like pods pages … Read more

Conditional Logic Based on Custom Taxonomy

@Milo was absolutely correct…the issue was that I wasn’t getting a string to compare. The solution actually came from here. What this ultimately looked like in my scenario: <?php if(has_term(‘dining-1’, ‘page_category’, $post->ID)){ get_template_part(‘sidebar’, ‘dining-one’); } elseif(has_term(‘dining-2’, ‘page_category’, $post->ID)){ //etc. } ?>