Type of expression is ambiguous without more context Swift

I am getting a ‘Type of expression is ambiguous without more context ‘ on this part of code from a project I am trying to upgrade to latest Swift version. I can’t seem to figure it out. I tried different things but can’t get it to work.

The problem is on the syntax of this line

let imageToDeleteParameters  = imagesToDelete.map { ["id": $0.id, "url": $0.url.absoluteString, "_destroy": true] }

Full code:

extension TutorialCreationRequest: WebserviceParametrable {
    func toParameters() -> [String: AnyObject] {
        let imageParameters = images.map { ["url": $0] }
        let imageToDeleteParameters  = imagesToDelete.map { ["id": $0.id, "url": $0.url.absoluteString, "_destroy": true] }
        return [
            "title": title,
            "is_draft": isDraft,
            "difficulty": difficulty,
            "duration": duration,
            "cost": cost,
            "user_id": userId,
            "description": description,
            "to_sell": toSell,
            "images": [imageParameters, imageToDeleteParameters].flatMap { $0 }

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