Unable to display list of custom posts

  • Your videoer post type will have a post archive at example.com/videor that lists all videoer posts
  • You shouldn’t try to reinvent taxonomies using page templates. Instead use a custom taxonomy and call it something like videoer_category. Use the rewrite option on registration to change it to category and you’ll be able to have archives such as example.com/videor/category/<term name here>/
  • You can style your video category archives using the taxonomy-videoer_category.php template in your theme
  • You can then go on to style individual terms this way by going further down the template heirarchy. I recommend you look up the helpful chart on the codex
  • You can style your videoer posts using single-videoer.php
  • videoer is a fiddly name ( it isn’t a real english word ), perhaps you should rename it to video, or if you’re referring to the person who shoots the film, ‘Producer’
  • You use a lot of unnecessary PHP opening and closing tags. You don’t need to end a line with ?> and put <?php on the next line if there’s no HTML inbetween, it just makes it harder to read and easy to make silly mistakes