Unable to show error message using wp_login action

Main problem with your code is that you use wp_login action. The wp_login action hook is triggered when a user logs in by the wp_signon() function. It is the very last action taken in the function, immediately following the wp_set_auth_cookie() call.

So first of all – the user is already authenticated and his auth cookie is already set – so he’s basically logged in.

Another problem is that your action is called before any HTML is printed – so if you echo anything in it, then this output will be printed before opening <html> tag.

If you want to prevent user from logging in and display some errors, you should use authenticate filter instead.

It is called during authenticating user:

 * Filters whether a set of user login credentials are valid.
 * A WP_User object is returned if the credentials authenticate a user.
 * WP_Error or null otherwise.
 * @since 2.8.0
 * @since 4.5.0 `$username` now accepts an email address.
 * @param null|WP_User|WP_Error $user     WP_User if the user is authenticated.
 *                                        WP_Error or null otherwise.
 * @param string                $username Username or email address.
 * @param string                $password User password
$user = apply_filters( 'authenticate', null, $username, $password );

So you can use it like so:

function userLockedControl( $user, $username, $password ) {
    // ... rest of your code here

    if ($user_is_locked == 0 ) {
        return new WP_Error( 'broke', __( "I've fallen and can't get up", "my_textdomain" ) );  // you don't need all those functions returning errors and so one - just return an instance of the WP_Error instead of WP_User
add_filter( 'authenticate', 'userLockedControl', 10, 3 );