Unidentified 404 error [closed]

The 404 Montior in RankMath does not include the IP address (even in advanced mode). You need to rely on the Referrer and the User-Agent column to determine if it’s a bot or a user. Sometimes if you look at the Access Time column you can see they’re being requested within milliseconds of each other.

From looking at the output you have captured, it’s a bot.

The thing with 404 Errors is that you only need to redirect the ones that are for pages that you have removed and actually want to show a different page.

404 Errors inherently are not a bad thing – they just tell you something doesn’t exist anymore.

The ones on your list all look like junk requests so just ignore them (or you can use the checkbox and delete them from your list). These are just random requests made by bots and scripts checking if something exists so they could potentially exploit it later.