Update user meta when customer update their first name

That was a tricky one.

For the user meta update to happen only on first name update you will need the following.

  1. Create a constant that will contain the current user first name
  2. Check to see if the current user first name is different from the submitted user name on profile update

For the constant add the following line. I would suggest at the top of the function.php

define('USER_FIRST_NAME', get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'first_name', true));

Now for the function

function can_editable_account_count( $customer_get_id ) {
    if ( ! is_account_page() && ! is_user_logged_in() ) {

    // check if user submited the edit account form and if the first name field exists and has value
    if (isset($_POST['account_first_name']) && !empty($_POST['account_first_name'])) {
        // check if the current user name is not equal to the submited user name
        if ($_POST['account_first_name'] !== USER_FIRST_NAME) {
            update_user_meta($customer_get_id, 'can_editable_account', '0');