Use Single Blog Post as Site Front Page Without Redirect

I’ll just copy/paste my answer to that question, here:

There are many ways to accomplish this, though some are more advanced than others:

  1. Mark the blog post as sticky, and then set Posts per Page to 1 (Dashboard -> Settings -> Reading)
  2. Create a custom front-page.php template, and query the post in question, either via the sticky post designation, or via custom post meta
  3. Create a custom front-page.php template, and create a dynamic sidebar (i.e. Widget area), in which you add a Widget to display the post in question
  4. (Insert lots of other methods here…)

But I have to ask: why not just put that blog post content in a static Page, and then assign that static Page as the Front Page?


Also: be sure that you have pretty permalinks enabled, via Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks.

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