Using wp-cli can I not query pages by their title?

If we restrict us to the output of wp post list, then here’s a way to search for %test% within the post titles of published posts:

wp post list --ignore_sticky_posts=1 --post__in=$(wp db query 'SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_title LIKE "%test%" AND post_status="publish" AND post_type="post"' --skip-column-names |  paste -s -d ',' - )

Here’s the expanded view:

wp post list                                 #<-- the first wp command
    --ignore_sticky_posts=1                  #<-- get rid of stickies
    --post__in=                              #<-- only specific post IDs
        $(wp db query                        #<-- the second wp command
            'SELECT ID                       #<-- only get the post IDs
             FROM wp_posts                   #<-- table name, adjust the prefix!
             WHERE post_title LIKE "%test%"  #<-- title search word
               AND post_status="publish"     #<-- published
               AND post_type="post"'         #<-- posts
          --skip-column-names                #<-- Skip the ID column name
          | paste -s -d ',' -                #<-- csv


For exact cases, one can replace post_title LIKE "%test%" with post_title = "test".

We can use --skip-column-names to remove the ID column name from the inner query output, instead of using sed 's/^ID,//' to remove it. It would be nice if we could use --format=csv instead of using | paste -s -d ',' -, but currently that doesn’t seem to be supported on the wp db query command.

There’s also the wp db search command but currently we can only restrict it to a given table(s), like wp db search test wp_posts, but not a given table column. One could e.g. try to play with wp db search test wp_posts --one_line | grep wp_posts:post_title, i.e. search the whole wp_posts table and filter the output that contains wp_posts:post_title, thanks to --one_line. But note this is searching the whole table first!

There’s also the wp shell that prompts the wp-cli shell, where one has access to the WordPress classes and functions, like WP_Query and get_page_by_title().

It’s also possible to the run wp eval command and the wp evail-file command to run a given php code. Here’s an example: wp eval 'print_r( get_page_by_title( "test" ) );

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