VBA Excel “Compile error: Object Required”

I am working on VBA code in excel and i have the following piece of code

Set strModel = Right(rng.Offset(0, 13).Value, Len(rng.Offset(0, 13).Value) - 4)

When I run the code I get a compile error to debug and it reads Object Required. What is it asking me to do?

This is a larger piece of the code:

strHSLtemp = "C:\Users\Desktop\To Do\MidDay Orders Macro Tool\Temp Files\HSL Orders Temp.xlsx"
wbHSLtemp = Dir(strHSLtemp)
Set wbHSLtemp = Workbooks.Open(strHSLtemp)
Set wsHSLtemp = wbHSLtemp.Sheets(1)
Dim arrModels() As String, strModel As String, blMultipleModels As Boolean, rngModel As range, lngModels As Long
Dim rng As range
Set strModel = Right(rng.Offset(0, 13).Value, Len(rng.Offset(0, 13).Value) - 4) 'strip off leading "HSL-"
strModel = Replace(strModel, " / ", "/") 'get rid of the spaces that appear to surround the forward slash
    If InStr(1, strModel, "/") > 0 Then 'yep, there are multiples
        blMultipleModels = True
        blMultipleModels = False
    End If
    If blMultipleModels = False Then 'just assign the model and move on in the outer loop
        wsHSLtemp.Cells(lastrowOutput, 12) = strModel

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