What does extract( shortcode_atts( array( do?

shortcode_atts() works like array_merge(): It merges the second list of arguments into the first one. The difference is: It merges only keys present in the first argument ($default).

extract() then takes the array keys, sets these as variable names and their values as variable values. 'w' => '500' in your example becomes $w = '500'.

Do not use extract(). This very bad code style. Its usage was deprecated even in core, and that means something … 🙂

Your example should be written as:

$args = shortcode_atts( 
        'w'   => '500',
        'h'   => '330',
        'q'   => '',
        'geo' => 'US',
$w = (int) $args['w'];
$h = (int) $args['h'];
$q = esc_attr( $args['q'] );

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