What is the function of FormulaR1C1?

FormulaR1C1 has the same behavior as Formula, only using R1C1 style annotation, instead of A1 annotation. In A1 annotation you would use:

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A5").Formula = "=A4+A10"

In R1C1 you would use:

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A5").FormulaR1C1 = "=R4C1+R10C1"

It doesn’t act upon row 1 column 1, it acts upon the targeted cell or range. Column 1 is the same as column A, so R4C1 is the same as A4, R5C2 is B5, and so forth.

The command does not change names, the targeted cell changes. For your R2C3 (also known as C2) example :

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C2").FormulaR1C1 = "=your formula here"

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