Woocommerce: How to override core functions in functions.php?

You can’t replace just any plugin function with your own code, unless:

  1. The plugin is wrapped in a function_exists() check. This makes the function pluggable, which means that if you define it first the plugin won’t try to define it again, and yours will be used. This function is not pluggable.
  2. There is a filter somewhere, indicated by the use of the apply_filters() function, that lets you replace a value. That value might be the output of a function, and by using the filter you could replace the output with your own.

The specific function you identify does not have either, so cannot be replaced. I’d consider that WooCommerce probably has a very good reason for applying wc_clean() to these properties, and if it weren’t there things might not function as expected, or it could pose a security risk.