Woocommerce price in meta data

You can try the following filters available in Yoast WordPress SEO:

apply_filters( 'wpseo_twitter_metatag_key', 'name' );
Source: wpseo_twitter_metatag_key

apply_filters( 'wpseo_og_' . $og_property, $content );
Source: wpseo_og_’ . $og_property

EDIT – Review after seeing the product URL

Yoast SEO is not generating the Twitter/FB meta tags. Open Graph for Facebook, Google+ and Twitter Card Tags plugin is responsible for rendering these meta tags.

Seems that plugin doesn’t allow product level configuration for price. It offers few filters with the meta tags inserting function:

  1. fb_og_disable
  2. fb_og_enabled
  3. fb_og_output

You would like to study the code and extend the plugin as per your need. A simple and easy solution is comment out or remove the responsible code from wonderm00ns-simple-facebook-open-graph-tags/public/class-webdados-fb-open-graph-public.php file, but it is not a recommended and future-safe way.