WordPress Cron job, 302 response

The problem here is a mistake regarding how to schedule a cron event, lets begin with:

wp_schedule_event(time(), 'hourly', 'my_schedule_hook', $args);

wp_schedule_event(time(), 'hourly', 'update_user_hours');

Here you are telling WordPress to fire the update_user_hours action/event on an hourly basis.

You then hook into this to fire a callback:

add_action('update_user_hours', 'do_this_hourly');

But then, instead of declaring do_this_hourly, for some reason the code declares a mystery function named update_user_hours:

function update_user_hours(){
     error_log('the function actually gets called')

So the do_this_hourly function is undefined, a completely random new function is added that’s totally disconnected, and to top it off, there’s a missing semi colon. I would expect both syntax errors and missing callback warnings in your PHP error log

Extra Notes

  • WP_DEBUG_LOG doesn’t enable the debug log, it just moves the PHP error log, you’d be better off using the real error log instead
  • Use WP CLI instead to trigger list and debug cron events, rather than a 3rd party plugin. Who knows what that plugin is doing or how it’s meddling
  • Don’t hide warnings, fix them. If you’d checked it would have lead you straight to the cause and the fix without having to come here
  • Try the Query Monitor plugin out, it’ll flag warnings, errors and other things