WordPress, how to figure out how to edit front page

In WP, you first need to understand the template hierarchy

So as per hierarchy,

— front-page.php

— home.php / custom page template.

If you have front-page.php , then please check which header file it is enqueuing.

If there is no front-page.php then check home.php exist in your theme file. If yes check which header file it is enqueuing .

If it doesn’t have both file, goto Appearance >> Customise >> Static Front Page.

enter image description here

So if it has some template name in Front Page then you need to check in your template file for which header file it is adding.

Header File

For header file, if they are using get_header(), then it will use header.php from your active theme.

If it has get_header( ‘home’ ); then it will use header-home.php

So from there you can go customise your header.

Also if you are using child theme , then please make check if it has header related file in your child theme or not.
