WP API DELETE request from jquery ajax [closed]

You get an 401 because your AJAX isn’t authorized to delete Posts. Would be a big Problem, if everyone could send such Kind of AJAX-requests to your WordPress and delete all your Content.

As of the API, your JS code has to be modifyed to something like this:

//make the request
    var dataArray = {};
    var urlRequest = WP_API_Settings.root+"/posts/"+postID;
    var typeRequest="DELETE";

    //first set the standard stuff
    dataArray["action"] = "wp_api";
    //dataArray["_wp_json_nonce"] =  WP_API_Settings.nonce;

    //make the post
        url : urlRequest,
        type : typeRequest,
        data : dataArray,
        cache : false,
        beforeSend: function (xhr) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader('X-WP-Nonce', WP_API_Settings.nonce);

            if (beforeSend) {
                return beforeSend.apply(this, arguments);

So now your NONCE is set in the X-WP-Nonce Header instead as an variable in the data.

May that works, I didn’t tested it.