Accessing Correct Database to Create REST API Endpoint

You can access another database using the wpdb class and its associated methods. You will need to instantiate a new connection to the other database using the appropriate credentials. Here is the basic code to set up the new connection and query the database: $mydb = new wpdb(‘username’,’password’,’database’,’localhost’); $rows = $mydb->get_results(“<your SQL query here>”); Replace … Read more

Update media item using wordpress rest api in python

What you are trying to do is not something that endpoint is capable of. You can create attachments, you can even rotate and crop the file, but you cannot replace the attached file. When cropping/scaling/rotating an image, a new attachment and ID are created for the newly edited image. However, sending an UPDATE/PUT/POST request to … Read more

How to submit a button automatically after every scheduled hours?

You were on the right track with the second try. Put this is functions.php, or wherever: if (!wp_next_scheduled(‘fetch_webcategories_hook’)) { wp_schedule_event( time(), ‘hourly’, ‘fetch_webcategories_hook’ ); } add_action ( ‘fetch_webcategories_hook’, ‘fetch_webcategories’ ); It’s not quite a real hourly schedule because somebody has to visit the site to trigger it, so if you have VERY low traffic it … Read more

Creating Application Password using REST API results in 401 regardless of JWT token

Because what you’re trying to do boils down to the fundamental question: How do I log in to WordPress using only the REST API? The answer: You can’t in stock/vanilla WordPress. /wp-json/wp/v2/users/me/application-passwords/ “message”: “You are not currently logged in.”, and /wp-json/wp/v2/users/1/application-passwords/ “message”: “Sorry, you are not allowed to create application passwords for this user.”, Are … Read more

Block Root REST API Route using custom &/or iThemes

For all REST API routes, the rest_api_init action hook fires when preparing to serve a REST API request. The request URI ($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]) can be inspected with a regular expression to detect the root (e.g. wp-json) and the route (e.g. /wp/v2/posts) of the request. You can then decide what to return to the client (e.g. WP_Error, … Read more