‘wp’ hook supposed to trigger when editing a post?

No, 'wp' action hook is not triggered on post edit page.

This hook is a query-related hook, it means that it runs everytime a posts query is triggered from an url.

For this reason it’s a more frontend hook (it runs on every frontend request), even if is triggered in some edit pages, more specifically, in the admin pages that do a post query: edit.php (so post, page and every cpt list) and upload.php (that show a list of media, i.e. attachment post type).

When you are on single post edit, no post query is triggered, because the current post is retrieved by WP with get_post().

'posts_selection' is another query-related hook, so it runs on every frontend request and on admin pages that run a post query (just like the 'wp' hook).

If you need and early action hook that runs on post edit page, a good idea is look at 'load-post.php' hook (one of the 'load-{$page}' hooks), that is fired only on post edit page.

In a function that runs on that hook, you can access to the post id being edited using $_GET['post'] variable.