WPML translate without duplicating post [closed]

The way WPML works is that you have a translation or a duplication across all languages of your content, that way each language has access to all content. You can duplicate or better yet batch duplicate any content that you need for all languages. WPML makes it easy to maintain that content across all languages. When you update your posts in the default language, all languages will get updated automatically. Make sure to get everything set up properly first though. For example, in order to make sure your images for a post change in all languages when changed in the default, you’ll need the media module installed and set up. Also make sure to check the custom fields that you want copied. Spending the time setting up properly initially is worth it.

When you’ve done your set up and are ready to batch duplicate content, go to “translation dashboard” and depending on what content you have, select the post type or category to batch duplicate. Then all you have to do is update the original/default and your duplicates will also get the update.