If you are using the settings API, you can use exactly the same code for calling wp_editor as you would anywhere else
I’ve test the code below, it adds a setting section to the reading section, and then adds a field to the section containing a WYSIWYG editor with buttons limited to link, img and close
// Add a setting to the reading page
function register_plugin_x_settings() {
// Add a section to reading settings
add_settings_section('plugin_x_setting_section','Plugin X (section caption)','plugin_x_setting_section_callback','reading');
// add setting field
add_settings_field('plugin_x_setting_wysiwyg', 'WYSIWYG Content', 'plugin_x_setting_wysiwyg_callback', 'reading', 'plugin_x_setting_section');
add_action('admin_init', 'register_plugin_x_settings');
// function to render the section
function plugin_x_setting_section_callback() {
echo '<p>Plugin X Settings</p>';
// function to render the setting
function plugin_x_setting_wysiwyg_callback() {
// global editor id (not necesary, but we may need it elsewhere)
global $myPluginEditorID;
$myPluginEditorID = "myPluginEditorUniqueID";
// settings to pass to wp_editor, disables the upload button, and sets minimal quicktags and turns off tinymce
$settings = array(
'media_buttons' => false,
'quicktags' => array("buttons"=>"link,img,close"),
'textarea_name' => "input_{$myPluginEditorID}",
'tinymce' => false,
// output the wysiwyg editor
wp_editor( "Content Here", $myPluginEditorID,$settings);