Is there a way to get wp_editor (tinymce) content?

I can’t comment yet… so I will use an answer, I think you need to do it with ‘wp_insert_post_data’ filter. You can see this in line 3523 here: Your function need to have a parameter, which is an array. From there you should get the content from ‘post_content’ key. add_filter( ‘wp_insert_post_data’, ‘example’ ); function … Read more

Why am I not able to save / update data in wp_editor?

you’re using : // only low case [a-z], no hyphens and underscores $editor=”contenten”; and then trying to get it by different name: if(isset($_POST[‘content_en’]) && $_POST[‘content_en’] != ”) another thing is u using different keys like @vancoder said also remember to sanitize the data : this code should work for u : function __construct() { … Read more