Why Is wp.editor Not Adding the ”Add Media” Button When I Initialize It?
Why Is wp.editor Not Adding the ”Add Media” Button When I Initialize It?
Why Is wp.editor Not Adding the ”Add Media” Button When I Initialize It?
Your approach to replace <textarea with <textarea placeholder=” is correct. Just wp_editor function does not returns html code, which you can change. Function just echoes output. You can capture this output with ob_start and ob_get_clean, as described here: $wpEditorPlaceholder=”My Placeholder”; ob_start(); wp_editor( $project_description , ‘project_description’, array( ‘wpautop’ => true, ‘media_buttons’ => false, ‘textarea_name’ => ‘project_description’, … Read more
Multiple wp.editor in a custom widget using JQuery
WordPress Theme file editor – error with sleep() php function
Add submenu page to a custom menu page
How to edit the Page?
wp_editor mce-view
Add custom text in /post.php?post=503&action=edit
Try this: To retrieve the content of the wp_editor field when the form is submitted and send it via AJAX, you need to make a few adjustments to your JavaScript code. The issue you’re encountering with tinyMCE.get(“email_body”).getContent() is likely due to the timing of when this code is executed or the editor instance not being … Read more
Background color of edit post page