All i need to do is to parse the input string of your full name, into 3 separate names so I can take the first initials of each and print them. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { string [parsed_output] = fullName.split(" "); string firstName = parsed_output[0]; string middleName = parsed_ouput[1]; string lastName = parsed_output[2]; string fullName; char firstLetter = firstName[0]; char middleLetter = middleName[0]; char lastLetter = lastName[0]; cout << "Enter your first name, middle name or initial, and last name separated by spaces: \n"; cin >> fullName; cout << "Your initials are: " << firstLetter << middleLetter << lastLetter << '\n'; cout << "Your name is: " << firstName << " " << middleName << " " << lastName << '\n'; return 0; }