When dealing with submit forms, even if they are sent with AJAX, you must play by the Never trust user’s input rule.
Every data-attribute
can be changed, edited via Inspector. Your only trusted validation should be on the server side, as you did with:
if ( isset($_POST['author_id']) || is_numeric($_POST['author_id']) )
Personally, I would inverse the logic and first check all the attributes before starting any action.
check_ajax_referer( '*****', 'security' );
if ( ! isset($_POST['author_id']) && ! is_numeric($_POST['author_id']) ) {
// tell the villain that this tower is watched
wp_send_json_error( 'Wrong author ID!' );
// now is safe to cache
$author_id = $_POST['author_id'];
Stolen from Codex.
The parameters are passed through a URI encoding so I wouldn’t worry too much about data type or casting.
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