Remove entire [$key] from array stored in custom field using Ajax – unset($array[$key]); not working

Currently you can not unset key because you can not find proper key from array. The issue is that you did $stamp = array($_POST['stamp']); as array which is wrong. you have to remove array() from $stamp, so which look like $stamp = $_POST['stamp'];. then you can search value in column from array and unset it. I have tested below code which is working properly.

add_action( 'wp_ajax_dna_nuke_diary_slots', 'dna_nuke_diary_slots' );

function dna_nuke_diary_slots() {

  $user   = $_POST['user']; 
  $stamp  = $_POST['stamp']; // here you have to remove array();

  // values for these two variables are retrieved from custom data attribute in following html and ajax call
  $stamps = !empty(get_user_meta( $user, 'dna_cal', true)) ? get_user_meta( $user, 'dna_cal', true) : array();

  $key    = array_search($stamp, array_column($stamps, 'dna_cal_when'));


  $new_stamps   = $stamps;
  $sort_stamps  = array_values($new_stamps);

  update_user_meta( $user, 'dna_cal', $sort_stamps);
