…use WP as a engine where user can contribute their post and others can review it.
I don’t think you need a plugin for what you want to do.
Enable user registration on your WordPress site by going to WordPress Dashboard > Settings > General and checking Anyone can register option.
Then right below it is the New User Default Role setting which has a drop-down menu next to it that allows you to set the “role” for newly registered users. Set it to Contributor.
Now like you said, the “Administrator(s)” and/or “Editor(s)” of the WordPress site can approve/disapprove/publish/delete the posts made by the “Contributors”. Contributors themselves cannot publish their posts.
Read this for more info on User Roles in WordPress.
NOTE: Assigning the role of a “contributor” to all registered users may not be such a great idea. So, instead you can set the New User Default Role to “Subscriber” and manually promote user(s) to the role of a “Contributor”. That’s just an idea. You can do it in a way that suits you best (like email requests for example).