Adding a class (arrows) to main menu links that have children?

There are two ways of doing this:

  • Javascript. You could use JQuery to select the <li> that have <ul> children of class ‘sub-menu’, inserting content, or appending a CSS class which you then style. For example: $('.sub-menu').parent().addClass('myclass')

  • PHP, a new walker function. Copy the code from wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php (until approx line 109) into your themes functions.php to create a new walker. Pass this walker as an argument to your menu call. In the modified Walker insert a <span> for an arrow on a sub-menu level item.

    function start_lvl(&$output, $depth) {
        $indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth);
        $output .= "\n$indent<span class=\"right-arrow\">&rarr;</span><ul class=\"sub-menu\">\n";

    This will add a small arrow that you can then style just before the sub-menu list item.

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