Editing your functions.php file is high risk, specially if it is a theme you acquired through purchasing or downloaded. There a several risks in doing that, firstly, just one simple syntax error, and site crash, like you explained. Secondly, if you upgrade the theme, all your changes will be lost. You won’t have that problem if it is your own theme though.
If the theme you are using is not your own, there are two options. One is a child theme, the other is a functionality plugin.
Child themes are really quick to create, takes less that 5 minutes. You can read here and do some google searches on that subject. Once you have your child theme, create a functions.php file inside the root of your child theme. Inside your that functions.php, add the following and save the file
// My code goes here. Don't add code outside these php tags
That is all you need. You can now add any functions between the php tags.
This is actually a really good route to take, specially for functions that are not theme specific, things like custom post types, google analytics, short codes etc.
A functionality plugin is also as fast as a child theme. You just need to create a file in your plugin folder and name it something like “my-plugin.php”. Open that file and place the following code in there
Plugin Name: Your Site's Functionality Plugin
Description: All of the important functionality of your site belongs in this.
Version: 0.1
License: GPL
Author: Your Name
Author URI: yoururl
// Start adding code from here
You can now activate your plugin in the back end under plugins.
Any syntax error, even one little misplaced or missing or extra character in a functions file will crash your site, full stop.
Don’t just dump code in your functions.php. Always check for errors first, and decide if it is theme related code or site related code. Site related code should be in your functionality plugin.
If you haven’t already done this, create a local testing site on your pc. Xammplite is a good place to start. The advantage here is, should you crash your site, or test some code, or something unexpected happens, you will not ruin your live site. Fixing errors are also quick, as your theme is on your pc, not on a server
Don’t include the opening and closing php tags given in codes you get from the internet. This will give a syntax error, crashing your site. So code like this
function some_function() {
// code to some_function()
Should be added as
function some_function() {
// code to some_function()
Use a program like Notepad++ to edit or create files in a theme. Notepad++ will show syntaxes, so you actually see syntax errors while coding.
One last thing, don’t use the theme editor in the back end. It is really easy to make a mistake adding code in there, crashing your site.
Hope this help to answer your question