Alright, I got it. And it seems so obvious to me now, that I feel a little ashamed (I’m probably tired). I spent 2 days on this issue before realizing I made a big mistake.
I used this jQuery to open the .sfr-share-box’ modal containing the share icons (with a full width overlay):
$('.sfr-share').on('click', function() {
and so, as you have probably already guessed, ALL modals opened at the same time, one on top of the other. And so it was only the last one that appeared, and that’s why I always had the same sharing link.
I modified the function and now everything is working fine.
$('.sfr-share').on('click', function() {
I probably deserve a negative vote because it’s so stupid, but I’m glad I finally found it ^^ Anyway, thanks guys for your advices (we always learn from our mistakes, right?).