I faced with the same issue when I was writing my backup plugin. The bug appear when you fetch all data from db by calling $wpdb->get_results( ... )
. And as you can suppose it fetch all data into memory allocated for php. The better approach is to use mysql_*
functions to fetch row one by one and store data into temporary file. This approach will reduce memory usage tremendously.
I would recommend you to do it something like this:
$result = @mysql_query( sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM `%s`.`my_big_table`', $wpdb->dbname ), $wpdb->dbh );
if ( $result ) {
while ( ( $row = @mysql_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_NUM ) ) ) {
// save each row to temp file
fwrite( $handle, prepare_row_to_save_into_file( $row ) );
@mysql_free_result( $result );
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