How to set global variables in template page?

Anywhere in your script, you can define a global variable as follow:

Using the superglobal $GLOBALS array. This array is predefined by PHP, and is available in all scopes.

It’s an associate array, containing all global variables as a key-value pair.
ie: the key will be the variable name, and value will be the value of the variable.

$GLOBALS['variablename'] = 'variablevalue';

And it can be accessed as:

$variable = $GLOBALS['variablename'];


global $variable;

to know more ref: PHP Variable Scope

EDIT: While answering i assumed the user knew about method 2, but on rereading it seems maybe he is not aware of it, so am mentioning it below.

Method 2:

you can define global variable using the ‘global’ keyword as well.
eg code:


class testScope()
   function setMsg($msg = 'Hi')
    //the variable need not be already defined in the global scope. 
   global $say;
   $say = 'Hi';

  function say()
    global $say;
    echo $say;


function getFile1()


$sayer = new testScope();

$sayer->setMsg(); // this will create a new global variable. 
global $say; 
echo $say; 

$say = "I changed it in global scope";

$sayer->say(); // 'I changed it in global scope'

$sayer->set('i changed it inside class');
echo $say; // ' i changed it inside class'

Note: The code is untested