Any specific reason why images do not show on site?

It seems to me that the URL is wrong for the images (HREF). Most like you are modifing or adding content to the site directly from the server while accessing it from http://localhost/.

Based on your screenshot, the error message you’re getting on the workstation refers to “localhost/wordpress/content/uploads….” where localhost is the server, BUT in reality, localhost refers to the current workstation/device/server name!

A basic fix/solution would be to:

  1. Go to the server
  2. Open the WP site admin panel using the server’s name. E.g. http:\\server\wp-login.php.
  3. Remove and re-add the image to the post.
  4. Test the page from the workstation (which I believe you are accessing by the servers name http:\\server\)

Other solutions include:

  1. Modify the way the images are injected to the WYSIWYG and prevent the domain name to be added
  2. If I’m not mistaking, there is a way to force relative paths by modifying the wp-config.php file, but cannot recall the method right now.

Let me know if I misunderstood something.


The solution was related to WordPress configuration. Themes. plugins and others will relay on the settings set for WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL to “grab” static files. Please change your configuration settings to use your “public” facing domain name, server name or server IP address, instead of using localhost.

The above settings can be set from 2 different locations, WP Admin page or wp-config.php. However, you either use one or the other.

Typical WP users will go to WP Admin > Settings > General and change the settings for WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).

Please keep in mind that wp-config.php does not include these variables in their sample file because is meant to be used only by advanced users and rare cases.


Your domain name is (because I’m super creative)

WP Admin page
WP Address and WP Site Address


define('WP_HOME', '');
define('WP_SITEURL', '');
