Backbone.js and WP API

I haven’t used the WP-API/JSON REST client plugin so far, but this is what I can see in source: The ~/js/models.js is the entry point for all requests, it seems. And every of the wp.api.models (to name a few: Page, Post, Media, Revision, etc.) is just an extension of Backbone.Model.

And looking into the actual Post model, I see that there seems to be a way to fetch post meta data as well:

    defaults: function() {
        return {
            ID: null,
            title: '',
            status: 'draft',
            type: 'post',
            author: new wp.api.models.User(),
            content: '',
            link: '',
            'parent': 0,
            date: new Date(),
            date_gmt: new Date(),
            modified: new Date(),
            modified_gmt: new Date(),
            format: 'standard',
            slug: '',
            guid: '',
            excerpt: '',
            menu_order: 0,
            comment_status: 'open',
            ping_status: 'open',
            sticky: false,
            date_tz: 'Etc/UTC',
            modified_tz: 'Etc/UTC',
            terms: {},
            post_meta: {}, // <---- USE THIS OBJECT
            meta: {
                links: {}

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I don’t know what exact object definition you used for

posts.fetch( options )

but you should give { post_meta : {} } a try.

To (maybe) debug what you have access to, you could dump the arguments in a callback attached to

var beforeSend = options.beforeSend;

which runs, of course, before the actual request gets fired. The “maybe” has its origin in that I was first looking at the gh-pages branch per accident. There’s nowhere stated what branch is used for what, so I assume that master is the development and shipping branch (but who knows) and above might in that case not work.