Extend backbone for add new custom Rest Api
Extend backbone for add new custom Rest Api
Extend backbone for add new custom Rest Api
WordPress REST API and Backbone JS
The REST API endpoint “List Posts” (e.g. GET /wp/v2/posts) does not support filtering the posts by a post meta (or custom field), therefore passing post meta parameters like meta_key and meta_value will by default do nothing. But the rest_<post type>}_query filter can be used to manually add custom meta queries to the query arguments passed … Read more
Is there any halfway decent documentation on the wp.media JS class?
How to limit what fields are returned through the WP API Backbone JS client
What filtering is available for backbone.js?
I haven’t tried this directly, but I’m pretty positive you can — after all, it’s a Javascript library. As long as you: Load any required dependencies; Provide any settings expected by the library; You should be good. A quick code search brings up these results from the /wp-includes/script-loader.php file: $scripts->add( ‘wp-api’, “/wp-includes/js/wp-api$suffix.js”, array( ‘jquery’, ‘backbone’, … Read more
I managed to display the data returned from JSON using the code below. Note that I used JavaScript bracket notation to access the posts array rather than Backbone’s .get method. Also note that the object fetched is passed to a variable called posts, which is then passed to _.template. I’m betting it’s this that prevents … Read more
Custom shortcode editor [BackboneJS & TinyMCE)
It’s for the album cover in the playlist. WordPress automatically tries to search for it based on ID3 tags in the media file that you upload. “Show Images” is for disabling the artwork (if it’s found). So far, there’s no way to set it manually, as far as I can tell.