bitnami/WordPress chart – embed uploads in a custom image

You can replace image using custom values.yaml file.

For example you can create values.yaml containg this content

  registry: ""
  tag: 5.6.0-debian-10-r23

Documentation for all values, you can find in the for that chart.

This docs are generated directly from values.yaml file, so you can use directly the values.yaml file

Then install it with helm:

helm install my-release bitnami/wordpress -f ./values.yaml

Volume override

In the bitnami chart there is volume mount under the /bitnami/wordpres. Make sure it does not cover your image file system.

For example for me it is mount like this:

kubectl describe pod blog-wordpress-5698fc9584-jklhl
      /bitnami/wordpress from wordpress-data (rw,path="wordpress")

    Type:       PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
    ClaimName:  slide-blog-wordpress
    ReadOnly:   false

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