WordPress makes an auto-draft as soon as I enter the page

What is the problem

I am creating a system for a client and whenever I enter my plugin editor page, WordPress automatically creates an auto-draft for that post, there is no time interval as it usually has. After it creates one auto-draft, it awaits correctly for the time interval to end before creating the next one. It only happens with my plugin.

Why I want to fix it

Just like what happened to me, users may be annoyed by the huge amount of auto-drafts being created. A lot of browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome, and Opera, have the “Auto Refresh” feature, every time the editor page is unused for a long time, it needs to be refreshed to be accessed again. Every time the page is reloaded, WordPress (my plugin) insists on creating an auto-draft instantly.

My code

// File: TDMPostEditor.class.php

class TDPMPostEditor {
    public object $post;
    private array $default_settings;
    public function __construct(array $settings) {
        $this->default_settings = $settings;
    public function setPost(int $post_ID) : void {
        $this->post = new stdClass();
        foreach (get_post($post_ID) as $key => $value) {
            $this->post->{$key} = $value;
        foreach ($this->default_settings as $key => $default_value) {
            $this->post->{$key} = (bool)$this->getPostMeta($key) ? $this->getPostMeta($key) : $default_value;
    public function getPostMeta(string $key, string $single = "single") : mixed {
        return get_post_meta($this->post->ID, $key, $single == "single" );
    public function savePost() : void {
        $post_ID = (string)$this->post->ID;
        $fields = $this->default_settings;
        foreach ( $fields as $key => $default ) {
            $key_exists = array_key_exists($key, $_POST);
            $value = "";
            switch ( gettype($default) ) { 
                case "integer":
                    $value = !$key_exists ? $default : $_POST[ $key ];
                case "string":
                    $value = !$key_exists ? $default : $_POST[ $key ];
                case "boolean":
                    $value = !$key_exists ? "0" : "1";
                case "array": 
                    $value = !$key_exists ? wp_json_encode($default) : wp_slash($_POST[ $key ]);
            update_post_meta($post_ID, $key, $value);
    public function render() : void { ... } 

I assumed that since the post did not exist yet, every time I run get_post($post_ID), it checks it does not exist and creates a draft before returning me the post. So, I tried this:

public function setPost(int $post_ID) : void {
    $this->post = new stdClass();
    if (get_post_status( $post_ID ) !== false) {
        foreach (get_post($post_ID) as $key => $value) {
            $this->post->{$key} = $value;
    foreach ($this->default_settings as $key => $default_value) {
        $this->post->{$key} = (bool)$this->getPostMeta($key) ? $this->getPostMeta($key) : $default_value;

Still, no success.

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