Building a Treatments Page, What Do I Use?

As @N00b pointed out this can go in many answers and needs many concepts digestion.I will try to concise and give a sample answer with little info.

Since you have set has_archive to true while registering post type , we can see all treatment post-type post on If we want to change this page to display just taxonomy categories list, we can use template page for this.

Create archive-treatment.php in the root directory of the theme (If you know how to code and create child themes or the theme is your own ). Example archive-treament.php looks like.


    $args = array(
        'show_option_none'    => __( 'No treatment categories' ),
        'style'               => 'list',
        'taxonomy'            => 'treatment_category',
        'title_li'            => __( 'Treatment Categories' )

Here wp_list_categories outputs the categories available in the treatment_category taxonomy and check all the arguments available.

If you just want to create page and use shortcodes there are many plugins out there that do this.


Template Hierarchy


Display Posts Shortcode