Can a widget in the Customizer be “single-use” (i.e. disabled after 1 instance has been added)?


So I’ve looked into this and my approach is this:

  1. When launching the customizer go through all sidebars and disable the widget as soon as you find any usage of it
  2. Whenever a sidebar is changed do that again.


This has the following limitations:

  1. This is the first time I’ve dabbled in playing with the JS API of the Customizer. So I might be doing inefficient stuff here, but hey, it works 😉
  2. Only cares about the Customizer (as stated in the question)
  3. Doesn’t do any kind of server-side validation. It merely hides the UI, so if you’re worried about someone circumventing the UI this is incomplete/insecure.
  4. Disabling the widget is global – any use in any sidebar disables the widget globally.

The code

Now that we have the Disclaimer done let’s look at the code:

(function() {
    wp.customize.bind( 'ready', function() {

        var api = wp.customize,
            widgetId = 'foo_widget',
            widget = wp.customize.Widgets.availableWidgets.findWhere( { id_base: widgetId } );

         * Counts how often a widget is used based on an array of Widget IDs.
         * @param widgetIds
         * @returns {number}
        var countWidgetUses = function( widgetIds ){

            var widgetUsedCount = 0;


                if( id.indexOf( widgetId ) == 0 ){


            return widgetUsedCount;


        var isSidebar = function( setting ) {
            return (
                0 === 'sidebars_widgets[' )
       !== 'sidebars_widgets[wp_inactive_widgets]'

        var updateState = function(){

            //Enable by default...
            widget.set('is_disabled', false );

            api.each( function( setting ) {
                if ( isSidebar( setting ) ) {
                    //...and disable as soon as we encounter any usage of the widget.
                    if( countWidgetUses( setting.get() ) > 0 ) widget.set('is_disabled', true );
            } );


         * Listen to changes to any sidebar.
        api.each( function( setting ) {
            if ( isSidebar( setting ) ) {
                setting.bind( updateState );
        } );


})( jQuery );

Sidenote: Use the customize_controls_enqueue_scripts action to add the script.

You could probably extend this to limit it to work an a per sidebar base instead of globally. I’d say listen to the activation of a sidebar and then count the widgets in that sidebar. But I didn’t find time to look into that as well.

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